Drawers, sockets, stairs: Oh my!
So you’ve just moved into your new home and you’ve fallen in love with the winding staircase with iron railings, the gorgeous mahogany cabinets, and the romantic stone fireplace. Trouble is, your 1-year-old seems to be turning your peaceful home into their jungle-gym. When your little newborn suddenly turns into a baby-on-the-go, you can easily become overwhelmed trying to figure out how to keep your home safe, yet stylish.
Baby-proofing 101:
1. Use drawer latches and cabinet locks. Your new rambunctious toddler will try to get his or her hands on anything—and we mean anything. Fingers can get easily caught in tight spaces. Toddlers impatient for snacks, or simply curious, will try to stick their little hands in the tightest of nooks and crannies. Latches now-a-days can be placed on the inside of cabinets and drawers for concealment and can easily be popped open from the inside by an adult.
2. Gates are a must! Once your toddler starts walking, he or she is going to want to start climbing. As soon as you turn your head, your little squirmy bug is going to want to climb up your gorgeous staircase and on top of your railings. Bumps and bruises can be minor, but harsh falls are dangerous. Selecting a gate is the ideal safety precaution. Various styles are available to blend in with iron and wood detailing.
3. Your fireplace faux-pas: Having a fireplace can be dangerous for adults just as much as your little one. However, sharp stone edges and raised corners can be a huge cause for concern. Foam padding with the similar color or design of your fireplace can be found and placed along the corners of your stonework. This subtle precaution will not only protect your toddler, but also be subtle to the eye.
4. Lighting and sockets: Your toddler is going to be fascinated by lighting features such as switches, chandeliers, and—of course—sockets! It’s very important to make sure lamp cords are up high enough so that your child won’t be able to reach them. Make sure to place coverings on switches and sockets so that your child won’t stick fingers and toes where they don’t belong.